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pipe lead中文是什么意思

用"pipe lead"造句"pipe lead"怎么读"pipe lead" in a sentence


  • 管子引入线
  • "pipe"中文翻译    n. 1.管,导管,筒。 2.烟斗,烟袋;一袋烟。 3. ...
  • "lead"中文翻译    vt. (led) 1.领导,引导,带领。 2.搀,牵。 ...
  • "lead pipe" 中文翻译 :    铅管
  • "lead-pipe" 中文翻译 :     [cinch] 〔美俚〕 1.轻而易举的事。 2.肯定的事情。
  • "alloyed-lead pipe" 中文翻译 :    合金铅管
  • "hard lead pipe" 中文翻译 :    硬铅管道
  • "hard-lead pipe" 中文翻译 :    硬铅管
  • "lead draining pipe" 中文翻译 :    排水铅管
  • "lead flushing pipe" 中文翻译 :    冲水铅管
  • "lead lined pipe" 中文翻译 :    衬铅管
  • "lead pipe flange" 中文翻译 :    铅管凸缘
  • "lead pipe fracture" 中文翻译 :    铅管骨折
  • "lead-alloy pipe" 中文翻译 :    铅合金管
  • "lead-pipe cinch" 中文翻译 :    轻而易举的事
  • "lead-pipe colon" 中文翻译 :    结肠强直
  • "lead-pipe extrusion press" 中文翻译 :    铅管挤出机
  • "lead-pipe rigdity" 中文翻译 :    铅管样强直
  • "lead-pipe rigidity" 中文翻译 :    铅管样强直
  • "steel-sheathed lead pipe" 中文翻译 :    包钢铅笔
  • "tin-lined lead pipe" 中文翻译 :    衬锡铅管
  • "a lead" 中文翻译 :    a导联:正极置于剑突部,负极置于胸骨柄正中; 负极置于胸骨柄正中
  • "lead" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.铅,铅制品。 2.【航海】测铅,测深锤,水砣。 3.〔pl.〕(铺屋顶的)铅皮;铅皮屋顶;【印刷】插铅,铅条。 4.铅笔心。 5.子弹,枪弹。 white lead 铅白,碱式碳酸铅。 work lead (鼓风炉产含银)粗铅。 yellow lead 铅黄,氧化铅。 an ounce of lead 一颗子弹。 arm the lead 注兽脂入测深锤底部凹处〔以便黏起泥沙而了解海底情况〕。 as dull as lead 色泽像铅一样灰暗的;非常鲁钝的。 cast [heave] the lead 【航海】用水砣[测锤]测深。 get the lead 饮弹,中弹。 pump lead into sb. 〔口语〕向某人扫射。 swing the lead 〔军俚〕装病,偷懒。 vt. 1.用铅覆盖,塞铅。 2.用铅条固定住。 leaded glass 铅条玻璃。 3.加铅[铅的化合物]于。 lead gasoline 加铅汽油,乙基化汽油。 4.【印刷】排空铅,(在行间)插铅条。 vi. 1.用水砣[测锤]测深。 2.被铅覆盖;被铅塞住。 adj. -less vt. (led) 1.领导,引导,带领。 2.搀,牵。 3.领头,压倒,占首位,居第一;【体育】领先。 4.率领,指挥,领导,主持。 5.引导某人做某事;诱使某人做某事〔接不定式〕。 6.过某种生活[日子]。 7.使…过某种生活。 8.超前瞄准射击(飞机,飞鸟等)。 9.【拳击】先向对手打一拳。 10.【牌戏】先出牌。 lead sb. by the nose 牵着某人的鼻子走。 lead a horse by the bridle 牵着马的缰绳。 He leads his class in English. 英语方面他在全班数第一。 lead a happy [miserable] life 过幸福[悲惨]生活。 lead sb. a dog's life 使某人过着受折磨的日子。 lead a case (律师)主持一个案件。 lead a campaign 指挥一场战役。 lead an army 带领一支军队。 lead a fashion 开风气。 lead the procession 走在仪仗队前头。 lead the choir 指挥合唱队。 lead the singing 领唱。 lead the way 引路,领路。 lead sb. astray. 把某人引入歧途。 lead sb. into a trap 引某人落入圈套。 What led you to think so 是什么使得你这样想的呢? Chance led him to London. 偶然的机会导致他到伦敦来。 The pipes lead the water into the fields. 这些管道把水引到田里。 This path will lead you to the station. 你走这条路可以到火车站。 vi. 1.向导,引导。 lead in the charge 冲锋在前。 2.(道路等)通到。 3.导致;引起 (to)。 4.领先,打头,居首位。 5.【牌戏】(先)出牌。 All roads lead to Rome. 〔谚语〕条条道路通罗马。 This road leads to the river. 这条路通往河边。 Oxford led by two lengths. 牛津队在赛艇中占先两艘艇身。 Who leads 谁先出牌。 lead away 带走;引诱,诱入。 lead back 1. 带回。 2. 按搭档所出花色出牌。 lead for the prosecution (律师)主持诉讼。 lead nowhere 不会有什么结果。 lead off 1. 开始,开头,牵头 ( lead off the debate 领头辩论)。 2. 领走 (The students were led off the school by the teacher. 老师带着学生离开了学校)。 lead lead on 1. 引领…继续前进。 2. 引诱,诱使。 lead out 开始,领头,领舞伴(离开座位)起舞。 lead out of 直通。 lead to 通向,导致。 lead up to 渐渐诱入,把话题渐渐引到…;【牌戏】设法引出。 n. 1.领导,指导;指导地位,首位;榜样。 2.领先,优势;领先的程度[距离、时间等]。 3.领先者;领唱者;主角。 4.(新闻等的)导言,引子,按语;在前的重要消息。 5.管道;导线;【矿物】矿脉。 6.【音乐】序曲,前奏。 7.线索,提示,暗示。 8.拳击的第一拳;牌戏中先出的牌,出牌权。 9.牵引带〔如牵狗的带〕。 take the lead in 领导,带头,居首位。 With him in the lead, all the others followed suit. 在他带动下,别的人也都跟上来了。 follow the lead of sb. 跟着某人走,效法某人。 give sb. a lead 1. 带头,以身作则。 2. 给某人提示。 gain [have] the lead in a race 在赛跑中领先。 have a lead of ten metres over the other runners 比其他赛跑的人领先十米。 hold a safe lead 遥遥领先。 The story starts off with a lead. 故事用一段引子开始。 play the lead in a film 在一部影片中担任主角。 the juvenile lead 青年主角。 phase lead 相位超前。 a hot lead 很好的线索。 provide leads for further research 为进一步的研究提供了线索。 have a long lead on 遥遥领先。 return the lead 【牌戏】跟牌,(在下一轮)出搭档者所出花色的牌。 adj. 1.领头的,领先的。 2.最重要的,头条的,以显著地位刊载的。 a lead bomber 领队轰炸机。 a lead horse 带头[领先]的马。 a lead editorial 主要[头版]社论。 a lead headline 头条标题。 adj. -able 能被领导的;能被指挥的。
  • "lead in" 中文翻译 :    导入; 引入端; 引入线, 介绍, 开场白
  • "lead on" 中文翻译 :    继续引领; 率领…继续前进; 引诱; 走在前面
  • "lead to" 中文翻译 :    把…借给;把钱贷给;使…增添了…,使…有了; 导致, 通向; 导致,结束; 导致,通向; 导致,导向; 导致,发生; 导致,通往; 导致,引起,带来,通向; 导致,造成,引起; 记住了 导致; 领;带;导向;通向;通往;导致;造成; 通到;导致; 通向,导致;引起; 引起


  • The pipes lead the water into the fields .
  • Tell me where this sewer pipe leads
  • An outlet pipe leads from the bottom of each lysimeter to overflow tanks
  • Extended pipes lead to the areas where we ' re planting fruit and nut trees
  • It turned out that a worker in a bar two floors below had mixedupthe pipes on saturday evening , wrongly connecting a new barrelto awater pipe leading to gundersens flat
  • It turned out that a worker in a bar two floors below had mixed up the pipes on saturday evening , wrongly connecting a new barrel to a water pipe leading to gundersen ' s flat
  • For safety s sake , he took a routine check around his apartment and when he got to the kitchen , he heard a squeaky sound coming from the gas pipe leading to the stove . he checked it carefully and found that the pipe had a break
  • An outlet pipe leads from the bottom of each lysimeter to overflow tanks . sufficient water is sprinkled on the grass every evening to ensure that a small overflow occurs in the outlet pipes before observation is taken the next morning
  • An outlet pipe leads from the bottom of each lysimeter to overflow tanks . sufficient water is sprinkled on the grass every evening to ensure that a small overflow occurs in the outlet pipes before observation is taken the next morning
  • It turned out that a worker in a bar two floors below had mixed up the pipes , wrongly connecting a new barrel to a water pipe leading to gundersen ' s flat . the bar got water in its beer taps
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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